2019년 6월 12일 수요일
2019년 6월 1일 토요일
schmooze : 함께 편하게 이야기한다.
go for it : to put maximum effort into achieving something
Mi : You really went for it. didn't you?
Brett : No, no,no. they are still swollen,
I'm gonna start casually referencing my new workout plan, then I'm gonna debut them Memorial day at Laguna beach.
Mi : I personally don't think you needed them, but if you they make you happy~
Brett : I always wanted to be one of those guys running in tights, but I was too embarrassed about my legs.
Mi: If you'd just gone running,
Brett : You're overthinking this Mitchell
You can't tell Cam. I love him, but he is a giant blabbermouth.
Cam: Why are you being so evasive?
go for it : to put maximum effort into achieving something
Mi : You really went for it. didn't you?
Brett : No, no,no. they are still swollen,
I'm gonna start casually referencing my new workout plan, then I'm gonna debut them Memorial day at Laguna beach.
Mi : I personally don't think you needed them, but if you they make you happy~
Brett : I always wanted to be one of those guys running in tights, but I was too embarrassed about my legs.
Mi: If you'd just gone running,
Brett : You're overthinking this Mitchell
You can't tell Cam. I love him, but he is a giant blabbermouth.
Cam: Why are you being so evasive?
2019년 4월 21일 일요일
올리브샘영어꿀팁 정리
1. should - suggest나 recommend 의 의미로 사용하는 게 좋음.
We must save the world. (o)
We should save the world. ( 지구 지키면 좋죠. 라는 의미로 들림)
2. well : 기능이나 능력에 대해서만 쓸 수 있음.
만족감을 나타내려면 enjoy
I ate my meal well (X) - 밥 잘먹었다.
I enjoyed the meal.(O)
I enjoyed coffee, movie..
Did you go on a trip well?(X)
Did you enjoy the trip?
Did you sleep well? (자는 기능)
It didn't go well. (기능적으로 문제가 생겨서 잘 안됐다는 의미)
How did you learn to speak English so well? (영어 말하기 기능에 대한 질문)
He's not eating well these days.( 아파서 먹는 기능에 문제가 생겼다는 의미)
3. ~ 후에 in (afterX)
in two weeks ( 정확히 2주 후를 말함)
within two weeks(2주안에)
after : 시점 이후의 시간 통틀어 말함.
ex) Call back after one. 1시 이후의 모든 시간
4. interesting : 호기심을 자극하네, 깊게 생각하게 만드네..
호기심을 자극해서 더 알고 싶게 만드는 것이 아니면 fun
picnic, roller coaster, Haeundae, last weekend,... is fun.
5. ~ 하면
if 를 쓰면 못할 수도 있다는 뉘앙스가 생겨버림. when 써야함.
I'll call you when I get home.
I'll text you when I get there.
Call me in the morning when you wake up.
Call me back when you're done crying.
6. Nice to meet you - 처음 뵙겠습니다.
구면일 때 인사법
Good to see you again.
It was nice to see you again.
It was really nice catching up with you.
Let's do this again some time soon.
7. I don't feel good. ( 몸이 안 좋다)
기분이 안 좋다고 할 때 :
I'm not in a good mood.
She's in a bad mood.
I feel bad. (기분이 안 좋다)
I feel bad about what happened today.
What you said to me made me feel really bad.
8. bad ( 매우매우)
I need your help really bad.
I miss you so bad.
I want donuts so bad.
9. stupid (한국말 바보 보다 느낌이 강함)
- silly ( stupid 보다 가벼움)
That was really silly of me to say that.
- dumb (stupid보다 가벼움)
You are dumb (strong) That was dumb ( 우회적인 표현)
10. I will ( 의지가 강함)
~ 할거야 라고 쓰고 싶으면 I'll
11. expect : 중립적 의미 (긍정, 기대 아님) 예상한다.
look forward to (O)
can't wait : 신나 (look forward to 보다 더 강함)
I'm expecting ( 임신했다는 뜻)
12. alien (이방인) - 외계인의 뜻만 있는 것 아님.
I'm a legal alien here.
Police arrested 10 illegal aliens.
Do you have your alien registration card?
13. prepare : 대비하다.
전투, 결혼 준비와 같이 체계적이고 계획적인 준비할 때 사용.
나 나갈 준비해 - I'm getting ready yo go out.
나 운동할 준비해 - I'm getting ready to work out.
데이트 준비해- I'm getting ready for my date.
What are you getting ready for? - 주로 외출준비하는 친구에게 쓰는 표현
걔 준비하는 거 진짜 오래 걸려 - It takes him forever to get readyㅐ
be ready to ( 준비가 다 되었을 때 쓸 수 있음)
14. condition : 환자의 몸 상태에 대해 말하는 의학적 용어.
몸상태가 안 좋네 : I'm not feeling well.
오늘따라 기운이 없네 : I'm not feeling so hot today.
몸이 안 좋은 거 같아(몸살) : I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
나 오늘 좀 아픈 거 같은데 : I'm feeling ill today ( 감기몸살은 sick 보다 ill)
감기 오려는 거 같아 : I think I'm coming down with a cold.
My feeling, your feeling : feeling 앞에 소유격 붙이면 감정을 나타내게 됨.
15. eat 대신 grab/get
Let's get dinner.
Let's grab dinner.
Do you want to grab a bite to eat with me?
Wanna grab a bite?
Do you want to go out for some pizza?
Let's go out for some ice cream.
16. on my own
alone (X) 다른 사람의 방해없이 신체적으로 고립된 상태
I learned to read on my own.
How did you learn that on your own?
I'm self-taught.
by myself - 남의 도움 없이 했다.
I did it all by myself. (스스로 한것을 강조)
17 맛집.
hole in the wall.
I know this really good hole in the wall.
It's a hole in the wall, but the food is really good.
That's my favorite hole in the wall.
영국, 아일랜드 (hole in the world - ATM기계)
18. 모태솔로
forever alone.
He's forever alone.
I'd rather be forever alone.
He likes being forever alone.
만나는 사람 있어요? Are you seeing anyone?
Are you dating anyone?
19. 닭살 돋았어.
Give me goosebumps.
Give me the chills.
Hearing his voice gave me the chills.
That sound makes my hair stand on end.
Kim Yeona's performance sent shivers down my spine.
That horror movie sent shivers down my spine.
손발이 오글거릴 떄 : That's so cringy.
That's so cheesy. 그거 진짜 촌스럽다.
싸이가 브리트니 스피어스에게 : Dress classy, dance cheesy.
20. 막 ~ 하려고 했어.
I was about to. : 지금 이순간에 일어난 느낌이 더 살아있음.
I was about to call you.
I was about to text you.
( I was going to call you : 지금 전화하려고 했는지, 일주일에 하려고 했는지 시점 알 수없음)
21. 외국인치고 젓가락질 잘하네.
You speak Korean pretty well for an American.
You handle spicy food really well for an American.
You're really good at 사구 for a first-timer.
You use chopsticks pretty well for a foreigner.
You make good kimchi for someone who's never been to Korea.
22. 나가는 '김에'
While you're at it, would you get me some ice cream?
While you're at it, would you take out the trash?
While you're at it, would you mind picking up the pizza?
Could you feed the cat while you're at it?
I might as well clean up the rest of the house while I'm at it.
I have to get some gas. I'll probably wash my car while I'm at it.
I'm going to go get a refill. Would you like me to get you something while I'm at it?
23. 에라 모르겠다.
Eh, whatever.
Meh, Whatevs.
Ah, Screw it!
Ain't nobody got time for that.
24. 그래서 뭐 '어쩌라고'
So what?
Who gives?
Do you think I care?
Who cares?
And your point is?
Does it look like I care?
25. 터지고 싶냐?
How about a knuckle sandwich?
y Come get some!
You wanna piece of me? 나 감당할 수 있겠어?
I'm takin you down.
I'mma mess you up!
You got beef? 터지고 싶냐?
26. 혹시 그 사람 전화번호 아세요?
Do you happen to know where the subway station is?
Would you happen to know which bus goes to Seoul Station?
Would you happen to have a dollar?
Do you by any chance speak Korean?
Do you know his number by any chance?
Do you recognize the man in this photo by any chance?
by any chance / do you happen to 바꾸는 것 가능
27. 그런게 어딨어요?
That's absurd.
That's ridiculous.
That's ludicrous.
What in the world?
What the heck?
28. 저 진짜 재수없다.
You're so full of yourself.
Do you ever think of anyone else? You're so full of yourself.
Stop being so full of yourself.
That guy is always talking about how great he is. He is so full of himself.
Don't listen to her. She's full of it.(it은 crap똥 이지만 거짓말을 의미)
29. 차려입었네.
You're dressed to kill.
You look like a million bucks.
You look really sharp in that suit. (수트를 입은 남자를 향한 최고의 칭찬)
You're looking fly today son.
옷을 촌스럽게 입었을 때 : unfashionable.
조잡하게 촌스럽게 입었을 때 : tacky
Wow. You're so unfashionable today. Why are you wearing socks with sandals? That's so tacky.
30. 내가 니 시다바리가
I'm not your servant.
I'm not your slave.
you're not my boss.
Stop bossing me around.
Don't tell me what to do.
31. 나 살 빠진 거 티나?
I've been working out these days.
I lost weight. Can you tell?
I can't tell the difference.
I can't really tell what's going on.
32. 내 맘이야.
Why did you do that? 너 왜 그러니?
Because I can. 내 맘이야.
Why did you wear that suit?
Because I can. 내 맘이야.
Why did you randomly get a new car? 너 갑자기 차는 왜 뽑았어?
Because I can. 내 맘이지.
33. 영어에는 '잘먹겠습니다' 라는 말이 없다.
Bon appetit
Enjoy your meal.
Let's eat.
Dig in.
Thank you for meal.
34, '더치페이'라고 하면 못 알아듣는다.
Let's go dutch.
Let's split the bill.
How about spilling the bill?
I'll pay for mine.
We'd like separate checks, please.
I got the cheeseburger and fries.
35. 행운을 빌어
There you go! (상대방이 잘하고 있을 때)
Break a leg. (배우나 음악가들이 사용)
Hang in there (상대방이 힘들어할 때)
36. guns - 큰 알통 의미
37. 힘들어
I'm having a hard time at school.
I'm having a hard time because of all the homework.
Is your boss giving you a hard time?
Sorry for giving you a hard time.
39. 보고 싶다.
I haven't seen you in ages. 우리 본지 너무 오래된 거 같다.
Stop being a stranger. 이러다가 얼굴 까먹겠다.
I miss hanging out together.
Let's meet up soon. 우리 조만간 만나자.
I can't wait to hang out again. 또 같이 놀고 싶다.
40. 새로운 사람
new face(X) I want a new face 성형 수술하고싶다.
I want to meet new people
Do you feel like you're ready to meet someone new?
I see you finally met someone new. 너 드디어 새로운 사람 만났구나.
It looks like we have some new faces today. 오늘 새로운 사람들이 생긴 것 같네.
We don't get a lot of new faces around here. 이 동네엔 새로운 사람이 거의 안와
41. 그냥 민방위 훈련이다.
It's just a civil defense drill.
긴장 풀어 chill out.
42. 수고하세요.
헤어지는 경우 : Take it easy.
먼저 퇴근하는 경우 : Have a good one. See you tomorrow.
큰 업무가 끝났을 경우 : Thank you for all your effort.
격려하는 의미로 쓸 경우 : Keep up the good work.
43. 친구에게 호감을 표시할 때 : We should hang out more.
너 축구 좋아한다며? 같이 한번 하자.
I heard you like soccer. We should play sometime.
We should grab a bite to eat sometime.
Can I add you on Facebook?
What's your instagram handle? (handle : username)
Let's do something this weekend.
Let's go eat a drink.
44. 너무 바빠서 여유가 없을 때 정신없다. I'm out of it today.
너 오늘 정신 없어보인다. You look kind of out of it. Are you okay?
오늘 정신 빠진 것 같아. My head is in the clouds today.
오늘 완전 정신없어. Things are hectic today.
걔 오늘 정신없대 He said he's having a hectic day.
시끄러워서 정신 없잖아. I can barely hear myself think.
머릿속이 엉망이야 I'm feeling scatterbrained today.
I'm not myself today - 기분에 대한 표현(평소와 뭔가 기분이 다를 때 쓸 수 있음)
He's not himself today.
45. I don't like it 보다 상냥한 표현
I'm not into that.
I don't think she's into sports.
I'm not big fan of that.
It's just not for me.
I'm not crazy about it.
It's not my cup of tea.
I've never been big on fried chicken.
46. You're wrong. 따뜻한 표현
Really? I heard that it was Canberra.
Really? I heard that she was dating Danny.
Are you sure? I thought that It was Canberra.
I think you might be mistaken.
47. Why did you come to Korea? 보다 친절한 표현
What brought you to Korea?
What do you think brought him to Korea?
Why did you choose Korea instead of Japan or China?
What make you want to come to Korea?
So, why Korea?
2019년 4월 4일 목요일
Useful Websites
- www.shmoop.com - book summary
- GradeSaver
- www. wordcount.org - 얼마나 단어가 많이 쓰이는지 알수 있음.
- Ozdic.com
- www.usingenglish.com - ask teacher (탭클릭하면 됨)
- ICQ(instruction checking question) CCQ(Concept checking question)
- www.elllo.org - authentic English (듣기 +script)
- www.naturalreaders.com
- ocam
- www.voki.com - 링컨 녹음
- www.ttsdemo.com - 사람모습 녹음
- schoolhouse rock subtitle (다양한 문법관련 노래 나옴) -youtube
2019년 4월 2일 화요일
Culture Understanding
Wed. 20th. 2019
1. sarcasm ; bitter of negative sounding irony
2. Irony is where the intended meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning.
It actually means the opposite of what it seems to say.
3. fix up - to arrange a blind date for single friends
4. It's all Greek to me - I don't understand what they are saying.
1. Chum radio station
2. Canada singer (Post malone)- better now
Michael Buble
3. slacker (person who doesn't want to get a job, avoids work or effort. )millenials
4. www.rottentomatoes.com (영화 비평사이트)
2019년 3월 31일 일요일
Useful Expressions_ Summer to Die(Lois Lowry)
- Better to know what your enemy is before you front him.
- Something like that doesn't diminish with age.
- I lost my enthusiasm for a lot of things when Margaret...
- What could I possibly do in return?
- We will set up a regular schedule for lessons.
- Age is meaningless commodity in most instances.
- Genius disregards the boundaries of propriety.
- Genius is permitted to shout if shouting is productive.
- She didn't like being reminded of her problems.
- The middle button was pulled sideways by her stomach, and it was going to pop off very soon.
- The sun had gotten lower in the sky, and as it came through the windows it fell on Maria.
- Molly lagged behind Will and me.
- I just have to learn to adjust to what they change to.
- I stirred the last soggy rice krispies in the bottom of my bowl.
- My father winced.
- They might as well be prepared.
- The other photograph was of her bent head, with what was left of her curly hair falling down over her face.
- I talked her into letting me help Ben with the rest of the laundry.
- Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to.
- It's nice just to have someone to blame, even if it has to be yourself.
- We all say things we're sorry for.
- How can I learn if I don't take risks?
- He hadn't gotten any better since the last time we did it.
- His life is ending at the very moments of its beginning.
- Your dreams come out of what is real.
- It takes all the courage I have to deal with those.
- It's easier for the little things, to be able to laugh at them. It makes life seem pretty simple, and a lot of fun.
Atypical_season 1 #1
Antarctica is the most remote continent on the planet.
It has 90% of the world's ice, but it's considered desert because the annual rainfall is only about 8 inches.
It has one thing going for it. - 한가지 좋은 점이 있어.
Elsa : I appreciate you're trying to help, but all the things that make my son's everyday life difficult like reading social cues, exchanging small talk all the things I've helped him navigated his entire life, are magnified in dating.
Dating is almost entirely nonverbal communication, and Sam's most literal person I know.
Juliet : There are strategies that I could teach him.
Elsa : Are there strategies for when you get your heart broken?
We're 32 days into his senior year, and he hasn't had any meltdown yet, so I don't want to push him. Relationships are hard enough for neurotypicals. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on my son.
Juliet : There was a study done in Toronto a few years ago. Researchers found that only nine percent of adults with autism are married, not because they lack desire, but because they don't know how to do it. Your son has the same desire to be loved that we all do.
Why shouldn't he pursue it?
Elsa : He's not ready yet.
Juliet : A lot of parents have hard time as their kids become more independent. It's completely natural. So if you ever need someone to talk to, I can refer you to one of my colleagues.
Elsa : That won't be necessary.

💽The trick is knowing when to put my research to use.
💽I am not great at picking up signals.
Casey : You don't have to be friends to do what's right.
You were the one picking on the fat kids.
My sister doesn't let anyone beat me up except herself.
You're crossing the line from flirty to creepy. When you make a eye contact, you have to look away a bit. Otherwise it can seem scary.
Now, that smile, you need to turn that down, like, 70%
Casey : I'm sorry. I don't really date.
It's just not a distraction I need. I'm gonna get a track scholarship and get out of this town.
Evan : Oh, well, fair enough.
I'm probably gonna change your mind about that dating thing, though.
I kind of grow on people.
Girl : I always thought my nose is too big.
Sam : A little, but, the rest of your face makes up for it.
Evan : I just came to see if you changed your mind about going out with me. I brought you this.
Casey : What is up with your family bringing me sweets?
Evan : I don't know. I like you.
Casey : Why?
Evan : 'Cause most people don't stand up to assholes, but you do.
He said penguins are similar to humans, because once they copulate, they stay with the same partner for life.
But according to 2010 census, which is most recent data I could acquire, 49% of marriages end in divorce.
Penguins mate for life.
The woman who ends up with you will be lucky.
You want to be with someone who appreciate you for what you are. You know, who loves all the little odd things about you, who gets you.
When male gentoo penguin chooses a mate, he makes an offering. He finds a pebble, often taking the time to find the smoothest one, and presents it to the female.
If the female places the pebble in her nest, she accepts him as a mate.
2019년 3월 30일 토요일
Analysis by Luke McGee, CNN _The Brexit mess is a national embarrassment
The Brexit mess is a national embarrassment
March 29 was supposed to be the day that the UK left the European Union. Instead, lawmakers in the House of Commons decided to vote down Theresa May's deal for the third and probably final time.
In what is currently being seen as her last attempt to get the deal over the line and allow everyone to get on with their lives, the Commons handed May yet another humiliation. Though support for the agreement has grown, a defeat by a margin of 58 is a crushing blow to the Prime Minister.
Brexit is a mess. The only thing that's clear right now is that no one is in charge and, worse, no one is in a position to be in charge.
The House of Commons can't agree on anything, as was made painfully clear on Wednesdaywhen it voted on alternative Brexit options. All eight proposals were voted down after a long evening that resulted in nothing other than a public, national embarrassment.
Friday's vote might have been the most absurd spectacle in the history of British politics. The government brought forward a crucial vote that it knew it was going to lose. People in May's own party who previously described the deal as appalling and akin to slavery voted for it. People in the opposition Labour Party, whose own Brexit plan is very close to the Prime Minister's, voted against it.
People who claim to rank the unity of the United Kingdom as their primary concern have acted in a way that has sowed the seeds for further division. No one knows what is going to happen and no one seems to have a way out of this shambles.
The cause of this deadlock lies firmly at the feet of Members of Parliament. For three years they have talked exclusively to themselves. They have, respectively, ignored the political reality of what was acceptable to the EU, what was acceptable to their colleagues in parliament and what was acceptable to the public.
Over the past week, May, with the help of the EU, threw the kitchen sink at getting this thing done and dusted. She even went as far as offering her head in exchange for her deal passing, and stepping aside to let someone else take over the future of Brexit.
At the EU Council Summit last week in Brussels, the other EU 27 leaders offered May a lifeline. They accepted her request to extend Article 50, and surprised everyone by giving her two quite generous options to avoid no deal. Despite the attempts of some in the UK to outsource their responsibility to Brussels, the EU made clear it will not be seen as responsible for causing a chaotic crash-out.
Those two options were to get the deal approved by March 29 and leave the EU on May 22 -- or make a decision by April 12 on whether the UK wants a further extension or leave without a deal.
Unless the EU decides to give May another chance to get the deal approved, April 12 is the only date that matters now.
That is the date by which the UK will need to declare if it intends to participate in the EU parliamentary elections. If it doesn't, then it's no deal. If it does, that's a whole new can of worms being ripped open.
The UK would have to send MEPs to Brussels as a member state. How long it would have to remain a member state is a matter yet to be decided, but it's fair to say that the political situation in this country would require it to be months, if not years. And being a member state for that length of time, with no credible plan to leave and calls growing for Article 50 to be revoked, a second referendum would become a real possibility. And probably a general election.
The United Kingdom is anything but united. Brexit has sucked the oxygen out of politics and sidelined huge problems facing the UK. Schools, policing, prison, housing. None of this is getting sorted because politicians have instead spent three years grandstanding.
The public deserves better than this. More political uncertainty is the last thing this country needs.
1. British parliament
the House of Commons - 하원
the House of Lords - 상원
2. vote down
to decide against or defeat in a vote
3. get on with
to start or continue doing something, especially work:
4. by a margin
~ 차로
by a wide margin 여유있게
5. crushing blow
a major defeat or setback that is devastating to the goal of a person, group or organization
6. bring forward
arrange for it to take place at an earlier date or time that had been planned
7. appalling
so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you
8. akin to
so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you
8. akin to
similar to
9. shambles
everything is in disorder
10. deadlock
11. step aside
to leave an important job or position in order to let somebody else take your place
12. Article 50 : the article in the treaty of Lisbon which details the process for members states to leave the EU
13. crash out
pass out
14. declare
to make clearly known or announce officially
15. revoke
take back. withdraw
When people in authority revoke something such as a licence, a law, or an agreement, they cancel it.
16. sideline
to remove from active participation
17. policing
the activities carried out by police officers in order to preserve law and order
18. grandstanding
behaving in a way that makes people pay attention to you instead of thinking about more important matters
14. declare
to make clearly known or announce officially
15. revoke
take back. withdraw
When people in authority revoke something such as a licence, a law, or an agreement, they cancel it.
16. sideline
to remove from active participation
17. policing
the activities carried out by police officers in order to preserve law and order
18. grandstanding
behaving in a way that makes people pay attention to you instead of thinking about more important matters
2019년 3월 28일 목요일
2019년 3월 24일 일요일
March 21th 2019
1. Three kingdom game
2. Play and go game
3. Survival game
4. promote & demote
5. TGVT( They grow very tall )
ILLAWB ( It looks like a water bottle )
6. referee 를 정해두고 게임할 때 지켜보라고 하는 방법
Coordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjunction
Don't begin with
Therefore(So), Furthermore(And), However(But)
para : all around (Greek root)
man's home (o)
house of man (X) : casa de hombre (Spanish expression)
1. Three kingdom game
2. Play and go game
3. Survival game
4. promote & demote
5. TGVT( They grow very tall )
ILLAWB ( It looks like a water bottle )
6. referee 를 정해두고 게임할 때 지켜보라고 하는 방법
Coordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjunction
Don't begin with
Therefore(So), Furthermore(And), However(But)
para : all around (Greek root)
man's home (o)
house of man (X) : casa de hombre (Spanish expression)
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